Small Trades Businesses and the Technology Struggle
What are we talking about? Online banking and simplified bookkeeping software have been the two biggest technology changes to affect your small business, no matter what trade you're in. But in the world of small and microservice trade businesses and independent...
Today’s Tools for Trades Workers
Small Tech Has Huge Returns People who work in home service trades have important skills they use every day. They need to know how to fix things, make new things, and problem solve. Whether you’re a drywaller, a painter, a handyman, or in any other skilled trade, your...
How to Retain Women in the Trades
We are facing a labor shortage unlike anything we have ever known. More small and micro businesses are being started every day. The work-for-cash industry has grown to over 68.5 billion dollars in Canada, with residential construction being the largest contributor to...
A New Look for Women in the Skilled Trades
While women traditionally have made up a small portion of the skilled trades workforce, there are numerous opportunities for women in trades today. Read on to learn more about opportunities in the trades for women.
Getting Gen Z into the Skilled Trades – It CAN be done!
Trades are the backbone of the nation’s economy and Canada’s trades need more young talent. Learn the What, the Why, and How you can enter this industry here.
Why Is There Low Literacy in the Trades?
Explore the reasons behind low literacy rates in the Trades, why this trend continues, and how the Tradesflow Software can help trade workers.
The Importance of Literacy and Soft Skills in the Trades
Skilled trades are way more important part of Canada’s workforce than a lot of people know, and having soft and hard skills can help you get those jobs! Read how here.
How Tradesflow helps you get paid! Be PPCLA Compliant
What is the PPCLA? It’s time to get paid! The Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act (PPCLA) is a new law in the province of Alberta that helps construction contractors and sub-contractors get their money on time! The PPLCA came into effect on August 29th, 2022,...
What Is the Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act (PPCLA)?
The Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act (PPCLA) is a new law in the province of Alberta that helps construction contractors and sub-contractors get paid! The law sets a clear timeline for payments: 28 days for general contractors to receive payments 7 days after...